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Title: “God and the Vending Machine: A Thought-Provoking Journey”


In his thought-provoking work, “God and the Vending Machine: Questions for the Thinking Christian and You,” Dr. Edwin Hung invites readers from all walks of life to engage in a spirited dialogue. This includes not only the faithful but also leaders within the Christian community, such as pastors, priests, and bishops.


Dr. Hung, an Oxford-educated scholar, skillfully navigates the intersection of faith and reason. Rather than relying solely on blind belief, he encourages critical thinking and the exchange of ideas. Drawing inspiration from the Age of Reason in the 17th century, Dr. Hung challenges readers to explore truths and falsehoods through the lens of reason.


The book offers a satirical twist, inviting readers to question conventional wisdom and consider alternative perspectives. Whether you’re a devout believer or a curious skeptic, “God and the Vending Machine” promises an intellectually stimulating journey.


About the Author: Dr. Edwin Hung

Dr. Edwin Hung, a distinguished Oxford University Doctorate, has left an indelible mark on academia. His educational journey took him from the hallowed halls of Harvard University and MIT to the Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science. As a Visiting Scholar, he delved into the intricacies of philosophical thought.


Additionally, Dr. Hung served as a Research Associate at the Boston University Center of Philosophy and History of Science. His impressive credentials include an honorary fellowship at Oxford’s Linacre College. Throughout his career, he authored three influential books, with “God and the Vending Machine” being a standout.


Now retired, Dr. Hung resides in Hong Kong, where his intellectual legacy continues to inspire and challenge minds worldwide.


Note: In the British system, Readers hold a position equivalent to full professors in the United States. 

God and the Vending Machine

SKU: 0003
PriceFrom $19.95
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